Two who come together, may find it difficult existing in separate extreme realities, having absolutely nothing in common.  It’s like chasing what can’t be captured, the wind, light, and someone else’s feral heart.


Extreme realities join when two create a home of light from a house of darkness.  Being at home in someone’s house of laughter, who shared their light with you, until you found your own.


Realizing the courage it takes for one to open up their heart to you and reinforce your ability to trust.  They must be a rare soul, tender and honest, with unmatched kindness.  You traveled through many forest until finding their ground that embraced your roots.


Now, go everywhere together, because anywhere you go, you’re never alone.  Dancing to each other’s truth, because your songs are never lies.


Be the borrowed coat that fits right in the life of another.  Like a newfound star that leads to a constellation, that you just know you’re meant to stay.  You rise to their sun each day, just in time to witness their horizon never fade.


Since they’ve been in your life and mind, it’s become a much better place.  They exhibit patience with a heart that holds all the memories a mind wishes to erase.  Remaining gentle and soft with you, amidst the attempts of your world, to turn you into stone.  When you are unseen and unknown, becoming visible in the shadows, only by the softness of their light.


There are varying degrees of human affection, the best way to show true love is to kiss the other until they forget everything they’re not.  Taste their name when speaking it, its way more powerful than any lie ever whispered.