Scroll Down to POWER BOTTOMS


Like spending your life getting to the top of a city left in ruins, never really realizing there is no power left in a city at the bottom.  There is where all the power bottoms dwell.  They are those who rise to the top of power in the city and eventually realize, there is no more power in the bottom because the power comes from the top.


Have you ever wondered, especially when young, why do we run the streets?  To be everywhere, doing everything, to the point of exhaustion.  It is not until the streets that we run, do reject us that we realize exactly how much time we’ve wasted running after something that leads to nothing.  There is no real power in anything that starts out at the bottom.


Take the life of Joseph, who was cast out of his city by his own brothers, this was done to ultimately lead Joseph to power at the top of the entire nation.  His life is a demonstration that we bloom in the right environment, and there lies power at the top.  The brothers found this out when they reached their bottom.


His journey demonstrates how one individual’s actions and character can impact not only their immediate environment but extend to a larger scale.  He was removed from his family and taken to Egypt as a slave.  Despite facing adversity and betrayal, he remained faithful to God, unwavering in his trust and reliance on HIM.  Joseph rising to national prominence in Egypt and placed in a position of authority, under his wise leadership, when famine struck, the nation was saved, and too was the surrounding nations saved, including his own family’s homeland.


In our spiritual life, the choices we make and the character we exhibit can have a profound impact on our future.  Staying planted and rooted in faith, integrity, and obedience to God, our influence can extend beyond our immediate circumstances.  We have the potential to positively impact our communities, cities, and even nations.  As Joseph’s faithfulness preserved his people, committing to spiritual growth and God’s purpose can bring salvation and blessings to those around us.  Remaining steadfast in our walk with God, we create a unique opportunity to rise to positions of influence.


God’s plan for your life will not allow you to remain in a place where you are unloved.  Because you were their best swimmer, you will be missed when they are in troubled waters.  Although you were removed from your family, they will be saved from starving because of your elevation.


We cannot invest in places that evil people have run down, but instead, build new cities where evil is not allowed.


Where there is no vision, the people parish.


In (Proverbs 29:18) Solomon is providing wisdom and counsel to his readers, urging them to understand the importance of having a clear vision and Divine revelation or people can become lost and vulnerable to destruction.  Like aimless wanderers seeking power in the dark depths of backwards living, where no law can be found.


Proverbs 29:18
New International Version

18 “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom’s instruction.”

Proverbs 29:18
King James Version

18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”

Proverbs 29:18
Living Bible

18 “Where there is ignorance of God, crime runs wild; but what a wonderful thing it is for a nation to know and keep his laws.”