Those making a show of innocence are the least innocent of all.  To appear naïve is a powerful form of deception, a scheme that cleverly masks the nature of the manipulation.  Displaying a lack of experience, wisdom, or good judgment is a trap of persuasion by the skilled.  Coupled with a virtuous moral demeanor, in lies a subtle deceptive strategy, not many can resist.


It takes sway and skill to convince others to depend on your ability to make them feel better about themselves.  A tantalizing strength of the weaker vessel, used against the dominance of the strong.


God impregnated women and children with this persuasive force, which has the ability to influence the strongest of men.  A woman gifted in the skill of naïveté ignores the burning properties of fire.  She has the ability to produce results with a subtle display of softness that brings men to their knees.


A woman will set her mark on a sophisticated man, and to achieve her desire, she has the ability to make herself appear slightly less refined.  Thereby making him feel better about himself, with the false assumption that he is less ignorant than she.


The power play of distraction is a powerful tool of persuasion.  For true powerlessness would never broadcast a weakness.  This is a fine display of indirect manipulation where there are no losers.