It cannot be bought, although, countless fake variations of it sale daily on the dark market.  There is no price for its value because, it is priceless.  In many instances in life we may have been guilty of under valuing it.


As we often take for granted the things that are most precious to us.  Consider, for instance the value of our health.  Health is wealth some may say; yet many neglect their physical and mental well-being.  A balanced diet, exercise, and sleep cannot be valued enough.


Similarly, we often undervalue the importance of our relationships.  Taking for granted the love of another, and not prioritizing our emotional support and companionship.


Allocate moments to convey appreciation to God, people, and the circumstances where you were shown love. Express gratitude for love, remember, it’s priceless.  Can never be bought or sold, but love is the currency of the world!


God’s most valued virtue is LOVE.