33ToThe33rd POWER

The process of raising one quantity to the power of another is today’s message.  This process is called exponentiation.  A person who believes in and promotes the truth or benefits of an idea or theory is called an exponent.  A mathematical parallel of (33 to the 33rd power), 33 is called the base and the number 33 is called the exponent.  It is usually written in this manner, 3333 or 33^33.  In other words, a number times itself equaling the same number.  The exponent is a positive integer; exponentiation means repeated multiplication.  An integer is “a thing complete in itself.”  So we have a thing complete in itself multiplied repeatedly.


Why is the number 33 thought to be a powerful and mystical number?  A number that has the same digits in the tens and ones positions is thought to be a master number and considered to be very powerful.  The number 33 is considered to be a deeply spiritual number with religious meaning.  Holy Scripture tells us that Jesus was crucified at the age of 33.  The number 33 is said to symbolize God’s judgment on the wicked in the book of Revelation.  The number 33 or one third, speaks to rebellion, the judged and the legacy of the fallen angels.  The end times when God releases supernatural judgments of the Day of The Lord, or (Great Tribulation).  The great tribulation is distinguished from the Tribulation period because the Antichrist will be revealed during this time.  The great tribulation is a time of God’s wrath against both the unsaved world and the fallen angels.


This number, 33 is also referred to as the Angel number.  This is said to mean that 33 is a sign that you are in alignment with a divine creative source to manifest whatever you desire.  There are two possible square roots of any number.  The square root of a negative number cannot be distinguished until one of the two is defined as the imaginary unit or number, which is implemented into mathematical formulas as (i).  The imaginary number (+i or –i) can then be distinguished.  The math stuff gets a little complicated, to know more study power of (i), but it leads us to more questions surrounding 33 and the significance of the number throughout history.  This Angel number 33 is considered a symbol to take risk through courage and bravery to find your true passion to follow.  Our passion being the ultimate goal and objective of life.  In relationships and matters of the heart, 33 is said to be the love number and speaks of attraction.


Freemasonry or Masonry, the fraternal organizations that trace their origins back to the 13th century to the local societies of stonemasons have within their ranks a 33rd    Degree.  Not much is known beyond what has been stated because of the secrecy surrounding this society.  There are other occultists who revere the number ‘33’ as a divine source from Ascended Masters.


Wars have begun in history on what is known as the 33rd Degree Parallel.  The number 33 is repeated in a series to gain power to influence individuals and events.  A number also associated with Master Teaching and Healing.  The kind of teaching that says; one is born into a lifelong awareness of the importance of tradition and family responsibility.  The healing side instills a philosophical approach to 33 to provide exceptional healthy experiences to others through talent or avenues of expertise.  Not sure why, some courts’ Form Number for a “Power of Attorney” is Form-33.  The number 33 can suggest something beyond the range of normal, or being suggestive of characteristics of the devil.  Or of God, existing separately from, and not subject to the restrictions of the physical universe, and are beyond known levels of knowledge.  However, this kind of teaching can lead to sacrifice of personal needs, giving unsought opinion, work to exhaustion, extreme prejudice, or martyrdom.


The following is not intended to promote any other belief separate of Christian doctrine.  But it is interesting that Islamic prayer beads are generally arranged in 3 sets of 33, totaling 99 beads.  The Buddhist belief of a Trāyastriṃśa heaven is based on the meaning that Trāyastriṃśa is translated to mean 33.  In Hebrew, the divine Elohim, name used for God, appears 33 times in the Scripture of Genesis’ the story of creation.  There are 33 deities in the Vedic, ancient Hinduism religion.  The numeric equivalent of AMEN in Scripture is 33.  The name of Jacob is mentioned the 33rd time when he made a promise to God to give a tenth of everything he had after he had a vision of a ladder reaching up to heaven. (Genesis 28:10-12)


This Angel number is a Highly Respected Holy Number.  There is one fallen angel who seeks to rival the one true God.  This fallen one also knows the power of 33.  There are philosophies in numerology that says 33 is the highest energetic number of all.


People have believed that certain numbers appear to them for a reason.  Searching deep within to understand the message behind the number.  We must search the scriptures to confirm to us whether the number 33 is a message of love, spirituality, or far more.


Sometimes an Angel sends us this number to warn that it is time to walk away from toxic associations.  To free ourselves from the bond of those who only bring anxiety, pain, and fear.  This sign alerts us not to wait until we are at our bottommost act, but falling down in prayer to ask for strength to move forward in life.  To move forward with a renewed focus on what lies ahead, shifting our attention from that which is behind.  Through being shown the Angel number 33, we can love in the way that we deserve to be loved, knowing where to place our energy.


People can be jealous of the calling upon your life.  An already married person can envy you of ever being married.  Take back your power of their persuasion over your decisions.  Advice from them makes a potential mate hard to find.  They may even introduce you to a likely marital prospect, while all along casting doubts of discouragement because of their own jealousy.  An envious person can have more material possessions than you, and yet despise the idea of you attaining any of your own.  When you confide your happiness to the jealous, they will damage or break that which brings you the most joy, no matter if they assisted you in acquiring that thing.  This includes; but is not limited to, a spouse, children, households, or partnerships.  If they can see that it brings you joy, their jealousy will not allow them to see you with it.  Often times we must come to the realization that we can even marry one of these spiteful people.  For expansion, growth, or advancement to be achieved, leaving them behind may be the best course of action.  Thereby making room for God to fill the empty space they left behind with something much better.  Because when the twins appear: anger and resentment, the rage is increased due to lack of distance between the partners.  A sort of karmic cycle that we undergo to learn a soul lesson.


The number 33 could mean that you are standing at the verge of life altering positive change.  Being an indicator that you are in touch with a divine higher purpose for your life.


Jeremiah 33:3

3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

Romans 1:25

25 “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”


Galatians 6:7

7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”


Romans 11:29

29 “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.”