The enemy says, “follow me and I will help you make bad decisions.”  The influence of evil contributes to man’s acceptance of unrealistic standards of truth, beauty, and love.  There can be no disagreement about the meaning of truth.  Agreement between men on the meaning of truth is fundamental to mankind’s continued existence.


It is time for society to move beyond bad decisions of the past.  We must find a commonship that makes us one species.


There is an ongoing effort by the enemy to bring man’s dominion over the earth to its end.  As a society we have an obligation to God, to protect our gift of dominion over the earth.  Consecutive bad decisions throughout history have brought us to a place of dominion surrender.


Ever since God gave man the gift of dominion, the enemy has been working hard to steal it from us.  He offers men worldly things in exchange for their allegiance and participation in the great swindle or surrender of our world.  If man does not get on one accord with truth’s meaning, lies are fed to us like Eve’s apple.  The last time in history this happened, man surrendered most comforts of his earthly abode at the advice of a snake!


It is incumbent upon mankind to reach a unanimous understanding between all men.  When this understanding is reached, there in-lies the answer to a lasting peace on earth.  Exposing the true enemy makes us all realize that no other human is our enemy.  The power of truth shields us from schemes of the enemy.  His tactics are rendered useless with a shared grasp of truth’s meaning.


Our world becomes instantly transformed in a similar manner of the refreshing of an Internet browser.  Simple plots of the enemy are more easily discernable in an environment not inundated with unrealistic standards of truth.  Thereby lowering humanity’s propensity for deception.  In a world that understands that lies persecute and truth set free. (John 8:32) “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”  Allow God to make our decisions, and with HIS keen discernment, every evil plot released against mankind is reversed and sent back to the sender multiplied.


HIS way is truth.  Kingdom Soldiers for God stand in alignment with HIS truth and defends it among men.  Possessing a shared understanding of reality with other believers in God.  Under the shadow of HIS wing is our safety and refuge.


Before his own demise, the serpent will swallow up all those who act, deal, and do business like demons.


John 8:32
New International Version

32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ”

John 8:32
King James Version

32 “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 8:32
Living Bible

32 “and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” ”