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FATHER, God my creator, thank you and praises to your wonderful name.  Men on earth have mastered their earthly kingdoms and have brought praises to themselves.  God help us to never fall short in giving all praises to YOU.


It is time for softer hearts to rule on earth, those who understand there is a currency greater than money.  HIS value is priceless and HE is the ruler over the spirit realm.


There is a place that is ruled by a priceless ruler with authority over the afterlife, and HE is King of all the earth, and the only King who can promise you a peaceful eternity.  Let us give all praises to that power, because such a power controls forever.  We declare our allegiance to the Body of Christ, not the building but the church.


In this peaceful place of love and humility, we are meek along side the King of the spirit realm.  In heavenly places, far beyond earthly rulers, those who used their power to bring praises to themselves.  How could they forget to give any praises to the power, which gave them life?


All praises be to YOU FATHER.


Psalm 47:6
New International Version

6 “Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises.”

Psalm 47:6
King James Version

6 “Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises.”

Psalm 47:6-7
Living Bible

6-7 “Sing out your praises to our God, our King. Yes, sing your highest praises to our King, the King of all the earth. Sing thoughtful praises!”