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Pick up your mat and walk, (John 5:8) and go on home.


The event takes place at the pool of Bathesda, a site known for its healing properties, where many who were sick and injured gathered in hope of being healed by the stirring of the waters.


This is part of a larger narrative that not only highlights Jesus’ miraculous healing powers but break down the context, the cultural, and theological implications of the times.


Jesus commands a man waiting for someone to carry him to the pool “Rise, take up your mat and walk”, is God pointing to man’s superstitions about a pool’s healing powers. The power of following God’s command leads to instant healing by simply picking up your mat and walk, in the Name of Jesus.


This demonstrates HIS authority over physical ailments, superstitions, and man-made religious laws. This act reveals Jesus as the ultimate Healer, not just of physical maladies but also spiritual conditions. This miracle serves as testament to HIS Divine power, and HIS mission to bring Healing.


A striking aspect about this miracle, it occurs on the Sabbath a day when Jewish Law, forbade any form of work including carrying a mat, or acts of healing. Jesus’ choice to heal on the Sabbath serves to provoke the hard heartedness of the religious leaders and to challenge their rigid interpretations of the law. This is one of a series of encounters in the Gospel of John where Jesus’ actions and teachings, provoke varied responses from people.


John 5:8
New International Version

8 “Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” ”

John 5:8
King James Version

8 “Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.”

John 5:8
Living Bible

8 “Jesus told him, “Stand up, roll up your sleeping mat and go on home!” ”