Scroll Down to THE 5TH TRUMP


When the 5Th Trump sounds, it signals the beginning of a new time of learning. There are 7 trumpets blown by angels, each heralding a significant event in time.


Many say the coming of Christ is near, the blowing of the 7Th Trump signals HIS return. Before that happens a 6Th Trump blows, study God’s Word that HE reveals to you the event that occurs when the 6Th Trump sounds. Then you will know to expect the 7Th Trump after that, signaling the return of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.


Scholars will argue the events of the 5Th Trump are literal; involving actual demonic locusts released upon the earth, beginning after a star falling from heaven to earth. This star is given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit, also known as the Abyss. When it is opened, smoke rises, and from the smoke, locusts emerge. These locusts are given power similar to that of scorpions. The target of the locusts will not be grass, plants, or trees but only those people who do not have the seal of God in their foreheads. It is unclear whether this person is of satanic origin, or the reference is to Christ.


This view ties the events to a future period of tribulation just before the Second Coming of Christ. A time of spiritual or psychological torment caused by the oppressive regimes that do not bring death but they bring great suffering like an invading army.


Through the Sovereignty of God, who is in control, the locusts are limited in their power and duration of torment. The torment is intended to lead people to repentance, as they seek relief from their suffering.


The Book of Revelation is a complex symbol of Divine and spiritual warfare, and of judgment for the wicked, those who oppose God and persecute HIS people. Whether interpreted literally, symbolically, or historically, this Book underscores the themes of God’s sovereignty, the call for repentance, and the protection of believers. As with all apocalyptic literature, it invites readers to reflect on their spiritual state and the ultimate triumph of God’s justice.


Understand the 5Th Trump through Biblical lenses, giving us deeper appreciation of its significance both present and the future.


FATHER, show me how to be of service to YOUR Kingdom. Guide us to the narrow path of life, where there is love, peace, and service to mankind. How can I be worthy?



Revelation 9:1
New International Version

9 “The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.”

Revelation 9:1
King James Version

9 “And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.”

Revelation 9:1
Living Bible

9 “Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw one who had fallen to earth from heaven, and to him was given the key to the bottomless pit.”