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“A career is what you are paid for, and a calling is what you are made for”.

Bishop, Dale Bronner

This statement, and the inference it prevails; differentiate between that for which you are paid, from your calling.  The two have nothing in common, unless they both align with God’s will.  In HIS will is the only place where our profession, and our calling, can coexist.


We were given life for the purpose of serving according to a purpose.  God’s purpose is always good, because HE is good, and that is how we will know that it is HE.


When our actions are good, even in our profession, and aligned with HIS will, it is likely we are operating in our calling.  God, who gives life, does so for a purpose.  We are made for HIS purpose, and not made for anything else.


Even in the secular world, outside of the church, we can operate within our calling for God’s purpose.  In the world, ministers are not the people who hear from God, so does each saved believer.


As a saved believer, we know the sound of our Shepherd’s voice, and we will not listen for sounds from another.  HIS voice is the only voice that we hear, and do not hear the voices of men, the false prophets, who lead the wrong way with their false dogma.


The kind of backwards logic, thinking, and preaching who even spell the very name of God, in a reverse manner.  Causing people, who are not saved and do not believe in the ONE True God, to error, and lay down with deceivers who are like dogs.  Inviting the dogs to eat, come into their homes, and beds, even kissing them about the mouth.  Sharing places not intended for animals, carrying demons around everywhere they go.


False teachings have a contrary purpose to God’s will; it must be rooted out of the church and government of nations.