A method must be found to communicate between people that do not provoke a hostile, and/or adversarial response.  Lower levels of unnecessary hostility between people, all over the world.  Never before in the history of man, has he been so at odds with himself.


Some children are hostile towards their parents, and brothers against brother and sister, a family whom are at odds with themselves.  From the family this trickles into society, even our spiritual and political associations. There is conflict everywhere and you must play a role in bringing people closer, and not dividing God’s children. Help bridge people together, so that they learn to coexist and not be at odds with themselves.


Empathy is on the rise, taking its place within governments all over the world.  We must get along.


The time is now; man must realize that dysfunction cannot be allowed to permeate any further into society if he is going to survive another 50 years.


Everyone has their own prejudices, some of them we have amongst our own kind.  Who’s our own kind you might ask.  Our own kind is mankind, no distinction being made between them, according to God’s Law.


We are no longer at odds with anyone including ourselves, when we identify our own shortcomings, and not just those of others.  This will lower the level of hostility in the atmosphere.


Surrender to God and concede to yourself or live in constant conflict with you.


Galatians 5:17
New International Version

17 “For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want.”

Galatians 5:17
King James Version

17 “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.”

Galatians 5:17
Living Bible

17 “For we naturally love to do evil things that are just the opposite from the things that the Holy Spirit tells us to do; and the good things we want to do when the Spirit has his way with us are just the opposite of our natural desires. These two forces within us are constantly fighting each other to win control over us, and our wishes are never free from their pressures.”