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Thank YOU FATHER, for favor YOU have shown me, that I failed to even recognize and/or appreciate at the time.  In humble submission I come to YOU and surrender to YOUR will.  Please forgive me for foolish behavior and the time I’ve squandered instead of completing the assignment YOU destined for me.


For, what God has destined cannot be prevented by any earthly power and what HE has blessed, cannot be cursed.


Under my FATHER’S authority we are protected, (Proverbs 26:2).


Bishop Dale Bronner said, “no one, no matter how evil they are, have no power to curse you.”  People bring curses upon themselves by walking in disobedience to the Word of God.


There is a cause for every curse; a seed you planted, that tapped you into the law of reap what you sow.  When you dig ditches for other people, it is that same ditch you shall fall.  Those who cast evil spells on others who has done nothing deserving to be cursed, it will return to the sender tenfold, you reap what you sow.  They cast spells that entangle themselves.


We who has sown seeds of righteousness and are committed to living right, is not deserving of being cursed by anyone, not even a witch or warlock can curse us.  No one has power to curse what God has blessed, any attempt to do so will lead to your own demise.


Only God knows what is destined for me.


Proverbs 26:2
New International Version

2 “Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.”

Proverbs 26:2
King James Version

2 “As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come.”

Proverbs 26:2
Living Bible

2 “An undeserved curse has no effect. Its intended victim will be no more harmed by it than by a sparrow or swallow flitting through the sky.”