Divorce memoires are told differently based on its writer.


Pray that you never experience divorce; but to stay married, both people need a full commitment to the covenant of marriage, and its institution in the beginning.  Becoming one in marriage ensures stability and survival of the covenant, and neither party ever has to write separate memoirs, because both accounts of the union are the same.


Marriage is a dream and in the dream, the last person you speak to each night before going to sleep, is the one who loves you, wake up the next day and find them there.  They play an integral role in your life, because they have created a place for you to exist in theirs.


Loving them works for you like a gym membership used daily.  Being in their presence makes you realize, there’s a life outside the screen of your cell-phone.  In their loving arms is the safest place you have never known until now.


These days, people sleep with you at night ‘straight’ wake up and go to work 12 hours to be ‘gay’ with their so-called business ‘partners’.  Did they think it was tolerable for you; that they had both a husband and wife?  The words flowing from their perfectly shaped lips do not impress anymore, and this will be their last chance to express them to you.  The fun and games were fine, until there arose the necessity for substance and depth.  That is when you notified them of entry into the forgotten era.


Before getting on top of another mistake with them again, you would rather climb a mountain.  We all know someone considered from a low place, but this one comes from below sea level.  Holding on to them and their madness will become another thing to hoard that you have no use for.


Tell them, “it takes a while for everything to sink in; when it does you will start to feel the odd sensation of becoming less jaded.”  Like shattered glass, their life lay there broken, took a while to come, but this is the perfect time for you to let go of what is not important in life.


When a marriage is not two who are one, there’s no unity in the union.  Eventually both outgrow the desire to have the last word, the final say is found in divorce memoires, each person’s historical account written from their personal knowledge or memory.


Power of Ten perspective.