If you don’t want problems in your life, it is wise not to go around looking for problems, in the lives of others.  Be thankful with peace in your life.  Recognize the blessing that it is, not to have certain problems.  Give little of your attention to problems; it takes away focus from finding solutions, which are everywhere.


When problems occur see them from the perspective of solution, they are only solved by concentrating on finding solutions, and not glorying the problem.  Do not create problems, which we give our attention to, and it grows and flourishes in our lives.


Ask God to break the spirit of fault finding and accusation, that is rooting itself into society.  To please identify and detach us from things that serves no purpose, and is not a part of HIS plan.  Awaken us, that we suddenly recognize the face of the beast.


God, allow me to be an expression of YOU, for YOU express YOURSELF through YOURSELF, as YOU did when YOU Divinely inspired YOUR Word.  I want to be an instrument of YOUR Kingdom, that my life be not in vain.


There is an opposite choice to operating in chaos, choose the other option, because opposite of chaos is peace.  Find peace, it can be discovered in God’s Word, in that Word, are many solutions.


“Man’s suffering is the fault of man.”