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All human beings, irrespective of time or circumstances, share the intrinsic bond of humanity with God, the Lamb of the world.


In an increasing fragmented world, fostering unity among people is essential for resolution of challenges faced globally today. A united humanity that lives in peace, collaboration, and strength against the powers attempting to separate humanity.


In (Matthew 12:25) we are told, “A divided kingdom ends in ruin. A city or home divided against itself cannot stand”.


It is time we examine divisions caused by politics, culture, religion, and economics. Disputes surrounding these things exacerbate divisions among people.


We each have a role to connect a divided humanity. Lets identify universal values, with compassion, justice, and equality that serve as a foundation for a more unified humanity. One that researches and analyzes what connects people and that foster solidarity, and collective action for all humanity.


The role of Leadership and Governance is to represent diverse voices and promote equity, justice, and social cohesion. To encourage open conversations among diverse groups, to build ethnic bridges, and promote intercultural exchange.


God, so loved the world, HE gave HIS Son that mankind be united through love by HIM who shared their humanity while on earth.


Matthew 12:25
New International Version

25 “Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.”

Matthew 12:25
King James Version

25 “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand:”

Matthew 12:25
Living Bible

25 Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, “A divided kingdom ends in ruin. A city or home divided against itself cannot stand.