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Some take longer than others to realize just how serious life is.  Whatever our advantage or disadvantage in life, time comes when we must understand life’s seriousness.


Seek the light of God, we are to go where there is life, it offers the best advantage, to anyone amongst the living.  God is Life, seek HIM and be in peace in your home with God.


Create with HIM as HEAD of household, a home with an atmosphere of love and peace; HE is love, and in HIS peace, is a place where life is.  Our home is the first place that we learn how serious life can be; spend time at home because that is where your life is.


Life cannot be found in darkness, don’t look for it there, only death and destruction can be found in the dark, it is a place where life is not.  Grow in earthly darkness towards God’s Truth while you still have life, when you reach HIS Light, you bloom and begin to spread God’s Seed.  This must be done before you reach eternity.  We are told in (Deuteronomy 30:11) it is not something beyond our strength and reach.


You may be a late bloomer but you now understand how serious your life is.


Repent in darkness, and grow towards God’s light, through HIS Word.  Tell others from where HE has brought you from, this is what life is.


Deuteronomy 30:11
New International Version
The Offer of Life or Death

11 “Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach.”

Deuteronomy 30:11
King James Version

11 “For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off.”

Deuteronomy 30:11
Living Bible

11 “ “Obeying these commandments is not something beyond your strength and reach;”