Laughter, like medicine can have a beneficial effect on our overall well-being. (Proverbs 17:22) Suggest that joy and laughter heals, so lets laugh.  We may jump around a lot in this piece, don’t expect a theme to follow.


What social status must be obtained to have your own security goons?

When was the last time you were approached by a stranger and asked if you would hold your fabulous life a little higher, so they could see it better from the back?

Were you ever on a date, and the other person took out a roll of breath mints, removed one and left the entire roll on the table, and you were left wondering if something was being implied?

Have someone ever said to you, “It would be hard to believe that you were once a nice person, had I not known you from the time that you were”?

I’d rather see your grocery list than scantly clad photos of you; at least I’ll know that you’re eating well.

The most beautiful people are those who understand that looks don’t matter.

A nurse in the hospital told you that you have nice legs, and all you could do is complain about them shaving half your head.

Is there only the option of being happy, or being in an unhappy marriage?

I notice that you call your husband Lucy, why is that?  Answer: Lucifer has always seemed kind of formal to me.

If I were you, I’d call the authorities on those intrusive thoughts and say they just broke in.

A good laugh is like when rain water washes off the bird crap, from the windshield of your mind.

Why do you assume I wasn’t listening to you as you babbled on, didn’t you hear me say, dude, that’s crazy?

Have you ever been out and someone yelled, “Go Big Or Go Home!”  Why did only women stay?  Never got that one…

Have you ever forgotten where you laid your weary head?

Is it more sincere when I tell you that I love you over a walkie-talkie, and then say over and out?

If she squirrels around trying to do everything for everybody, chances are nothing gets done.

Life expectancy is not 200 years for humans anymore, why aren’t we taking seriously what’s going on now?

You would tweet and my sun would come out, now you’re x-ing and everything is kinda dark.

Why do people look for aliens?  They’d run for the hills if they saw one.  Yet God is everywhere and they hardly notice.


The world was so much richer when we had much less!


Proverbs 17:22
New International Version

22 “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”

Proverbs 17:22
King James Version

22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

Proverbs 17:22
Living Bible

22 “A cheerful heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit makes one sick.”