There is no love unity between two people when one embodies evil, while the other represents righteousness. We must, “stay in our lane, and they stay in theirs, they are not the kind of company you keep, respectfully speaking”.
Connect with someone who creates a safe space for your emotions, two are better than one, (Ecclesiastes 4:9) and they get a good return for their labor.
In every way beauty attracts, some folks are the ugliest you have ever seen. To be with them in their world is a scary place, like being on the dark side of an unexplored heart, a void of emptiness. In their heart, there are many unavailable rooms. Do not allow them to continue sharpening their teeth on the delicate foreskin of your soft heart.
Love unity is like when two planets collide and become one. When another digs into your heart, and plant their roots, then two grow as one together. Two souls collide that was meant to be together. Love unity is more than closeness; it allows your heart to know, there’s a place to belong.
Love is a dream that you awaken to, right where it left off the previous day. When all your broken pieces are put back together again. In your thoughts, is where you find pieces of another. Love unity is your now for as long as your now last, it speaks a language that only your heart can hear. You look at those you love and give thanks for them being in your life.
When searching for love, attract to those who best match your level of commitment and loyalty to the concept of love.
Embrace one another in love using our words, flower them with perfume, that they are sweet to the listener. Paint beautiful pictures with your words, as does God with HIS.
Previous mentioned scripture:
Ecclesiastes 4:9
New International Version
9 “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:”
Ecclesiastes 4:9
King James Version
9 “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.”
Ecclesiastes 4:9
Living Bible
9 “Two can accomplish more than twice as much as one, for the results can be much better.”