In today’s world people are quick to resort to force or violence. There are aggressive businessmen, aggressive athletes, aggressive drivers, children are aggressive and domineering showing a readiness and desire to fight or argue. It’s as if this generation have a love of quarreling. 

God must bring order to this world that has lost its way. Let us pray for our world. True leadership is one endowed with personal characteristics of composed resolve. Individuals with a predisposition of kindness with a forgiving heart can change an entire nation. Deep down in the interior of a godly man’s soul, much good can be found. Material weight is the sign of precious metal; moral weight is the sign of a precious man.

Let us pray that God open the eyes of our leaders that they may experience the greatness from His law. Becoming available to God that He shall teach them His statutes. His Word gives understanding when we observe it with our whole heart. Through the Word of God we are taught wisdom, good judgment, and knowledge. 

God will execute judgment on those who persecute His servants. Although the wicked wait to destroy us, we are wiser than our enemies because of His commandments. Through God’s correction and instruction, we gain wisdom and knowledge.