Spend no energy seeking revenge on anyone or thing deceptive in nature, rotten fruit falls on its own.  That considered as rotten will be bad, decayed, or spoiled in some manner.  Even if we are not sure to the degree to which a thing is rotten, there are discernable indications of its presence, based on the reeking of an air of contagion.


Good fruit have been thoroughly tested for their quality.  Like a harvest certified to withstand the rigors of being a servant of God.  To be equipped for Kingdom work, we must be dependable, and have had our loyalty tested.


Standing as warriors against discord, representing a new standard of human collaboration.  God is with them because they are with HIM.  Their assignment is to spread the Living Water of God in a world that is literally drying up.  Good fruit are more valuable than gold and their role is key for the plans of God.  They have repented for their sins, because doing so is a requirement for Kingdom work authorization.


People of good character will avoid returning to a place from which God has delivered them.  Having no desire to provide the past a glimpse of their future.  A single return can result in being pulled back into where you have been delivered out.  Be good stewards over your deliverance, discern attempts of bad fruit to pull you back.


Acts of kindness demonstrate loyalty to God; no ploy will succeed against any true servant of the Kingdom.  Gifted with beautiful hearts and a forgiving nature, however, hardly naïve.  Their assignment is to know, go, and show others the way to God.


So, be careful not to hurt those God sent to help.  Arrogance and excessive compensation for insecurities are signs of a spirit already broken.  Stop trying to suppress others because you have been suppressed by the world.


The good fruit are more like Paul and the Apostles.  To be awakened in their day, meant never sleeping again.  In their lifetime of affliction, oppression, and eventual death, they maintained their vision for the Kingdom.  Proving that living a submitted life can lead to great joy, and those that do, are blessed by doing.  Never boasting about themselves, only seeking to be commended by the Lord. (2 Corinthians 10:18)


2 Corinthians 10:18
New International Version

18 “For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.”

2 Corinthians 10:18
King James Version

18 “For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.”

2 Corinthians 10:18
Living Bible

18 “When someone boasts about himself and how well he has done, it doesn’t count for much. But when the Lord commends him, that’s different!”