Emotional vampires suck endlessly.  We all must find a way to replenish after being depleted by what has close proximity to us.  Because a parasite cannot attach itself until and unless, it becomes close.


There are however, wholesome bloodsuckers, the ones that bring us great joy for them to draw from your resources.  Being an even exchange, because you also draw from theirs.


God replenishes our reservoir of love, and send HIS Divine reinforcements, that we can hold tight to the peace that comes from giving and receiving love.  You find that, little moments of peace aren’t really little at all.


Become one, who places more value on those people that money can’t buy.  People who come already equipped with what they need, requiring only from you, time.  Take notice of those whose soul, can reach the frequency depth of yours.  Wisdom is a covering; notice wisdom.


Sometimes instead, we place value on things and people that are heartless and cold, who deplete, and drain both, our emotional and financial reserves.  Your energy is drained when you are around them, simply for being yourself.


All evidence suggests signs of struggle in their mind.  An unutterable darkness pours from their existence.  The way you discern them, notice whether or not they treat you like you’re nothing to lose.


Some we can find broken, heal them, and they will love you forever.  Others, we can heal them and they will leave us broken, drain us dry without even talking.  Their contribution in our life is to bear witness to the pain they cause.


When the walls of your empire start to vibrate, chances are, too many endless suckers are sucking it dry.  The only way to ponder the future that never happens is by cutting them off.


They will hold on to you for dear life, because times are hard for dancing puppets, whose shoes are forced into retirement when their strings are cut.  Had they shared more than just their location, you might have been there when they returned.  Strangely they failed to notice you had reached your carrying capacity.


Remember, liars only hate deliverers of truth.  Too many times in life, we exit labyrinths, find ourselves in riddles, and barely escape the eternal matrix.


Don’t lose track of what’s happening, at least not in the middle of whatever it is!  Below surface is every meaning, and probably where you should dig to find.  It will require courage and both hands to meet the demands of destiny.


We suck endlessly on machines that tell us that, we have a pulse.  Until one day realizing that, we are the machines.